Horse and Pony Mixtures
We offer two grades of pony paddock mixture, the standard Horse & Pony and the Horse & Pony Plus.
Both mixes are designed specifically for grazing, but will also provide a modest crop of hay if closed up and left to grow.
These are robust, mixtures, but do not contain high-sugar content grasses, which can be associated with an increased risk of laminitis in susceptible equines. Establishment is good, and the inclusion of smooth stalk meadow grass in our horse and pony plus mix, gives it more resilience on stress-prone sites to improve year-round grazing
Horse & Pony Mixtures varieties

Horse & Pony Rye Free
(5+ years)
A persistent diverse mixture with the added benefit of lower sugar and protein content. The mix will take longer to establish but is a good alternative to Ryegrass based mixtures.
35% Meadow Fescue | |
30% Strong Creeping Red Fescue | |
15% Timothy | |
7% Smooth Stalk Meadow Grass | |
7% Tall Fescue | |
6% Cocksfoot |
Recommended sowing rate 13 kg/acre

Equine Gallops Mix
(5+ years)
Gallops mixture is an ideal mix for an area which is used for exercising or working your horse. This mix produces a dense, springy sward which enables frequent use of the area with minimal damage.
65% Amenity Perennial Ryegrass | |
20% Creeping Red Fescue | |
15% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass |
Recommended sowing rate 20 kg/acre